Oh, we love Latin!
Few weeks back, we were still discussing about having a Latin Dance party. Everything was uncertain, and it was more like a wish list than a to-do list. But one of them took the initiative to organize the whole party and made it a great success.
We had a lot of fun at the Latin Nite @ Broadwalk last Fri. It was raining cats and dogs, of all the days in the week and it has to be that nite. How lucky... -_-
Huei Nei and her bf were stuck in the traffic for almost 3 hours but she still came to pick us up to the party as promised. I thought we were late but when we reached the pub, we were one of the earliest to arrive. So we didnt really miss a thing.As we sat down and started gobbling our food (forgive us, we were starving!), more and more people turned up. I didnt realise that the dance center has so many students cos i havent seen most of the guests that nite. Well, there were some cute guys, but how come i havent met them before? I wonder which day is their class.. *planning to switch the time table*
There is this great couple who danced perfectly, their every moves are gentle and smooth and flawless. Me and my dancemates were speechless, our jaw nearly touched the ground. Our instructor, Sharon (2nd from right in the pic) told us that they are actually husband and wife, and they have been competing in countless of competitions over the past few years. Gosh, no wonder they are so good!
I had my share of dances too, of cos. Cha Cha, Jive, Salsa, Samba, Line dance, etc.. etc.. It gave me a pretty hard time at the beginning cos i forgot some of the steps. Lack of practice i guess... :P
What to do, we only dance once in a week for one hour. Cannot expect too much rite?
They are doing line dance in a group.
Im getting more and more into Latin. The other day, while i was having breakfast with mum..
"when is ur dance class gonna be over?"
"huh? there is no end date for this. im now in bronze level, so as time goes by, im gonna move up to silver and finally gold level lor"
"what? are u saying that this is a never ending class?"
"erm, not really. depending on whether i wanna be a competitor, or just do casual dancing"
"gosh.. u are really serious in doing this my dear?"
I never thought i will love this. Initially, when i started scouting for a suitable dancing academy, i intended to learn hip hop. I like the way they move their body, so graceful and yet so sexy and cool. But i couldnt find one with a good instructor, convenient location & time and most importantly affordable to me. Getting these 3 criterias met is seriously quite hard.
Then my ex-coll found this academy while she was having lunch in SS2 one day, and suggested that we gave it a try. And the rest, as they said, were history.
Maybe i will try on the hip hop thing some day. Meantime, we should do this Latin party thing more often. It is really fun, dont u think so?
way to go girl... go get the gold level and the cute guy! wah, professional latin star in the making :)
now that you've a target (cute guy or gold level), you must have feel fulfilled cause you know what you want to do. :)
looking forward to see the live performance from ya one day!
ellewy & laymank: no lar. the cute guy just for viewing only. ppl come with partners ler.
gold level, hmm.. i sure hope so. dont know when i can dance like a pro.. just cannot imagine, im still a beginner..
Wow!! Way to go.. :)
Went to the beginner class at this place some yrs back, never did continue (no partner.. :p). Some frens did ask to go for Latin class, alas, too many excuses.. din go for it either.
So.., its great to know u're so into this and goin more advanced summore.. (beams) keep it up, ya! :)
It was indeed fun. even only by watching.
Did you change ur hair style?? Look different leh!! Can't wait to see you again. :)
yea, that's what i noticed too. u straightened ur hair ke?
jade & ellewy: u guys have sharp eyes. yeap, i've straightened my hair last week. easier to maintain now and gone are all the damaged end.
i cant wait to see u too jade!
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