Freedom smells good!
I believe I can fly
I believe I can touch the sky
I think about it every night and day
Spread my wings and fly away
I believe I can soar
I see me running through that open door
I believe I can fly
I believe I can fly
(Oh) I believe I can fly
by: R. Kelly
Yes, u heard me. I am officially free today cos I have finally completed my 3 years bond with my company. It sure comes faster when u least expecting it. If i were to keep on counting the days, it must have felt like eternity. ^_^

"why are u being bonded?"
"cos i agreed to become their slave?" *ngek*ngek*ngek*
"haha, just joking. i took their scholarship to support my uni fees, so im bonded to work for them for a period of 3 years"
"so long..."
It wasnt that long if you were a fresh grad and u could learn alot during your stay in the company. Trust me, i have survived it! And so can u.
Coming back to the scholarship thingy, it was really a surprise, although i really wanted that $$. My first attempt for scholarship from the Berjaya Group was unsuccessful. But due to my "sad" and "poor" situation, they overrided their policy and gave me some contributions which helped me through my expenses for the first year.
Then I came upon the scholarship offer advertisement while i was looking at the uni's notice board in between my classes, one fine and sunny day. It was a cutout from The Star paper, together with some other offers from the Government, companies, private foundation group and even the state's ministry.
I was so excited when i got to know that i was shortlisted for an interview in Seremban. But the confirmation letter was delivered late (a day before the interview date), so i did not have the time to inform them of my attendance. When i called them earlier that morning, thinking that i could arrange for a later time so that i could still rushed to the place, they told me that i need to be there from 8am till 2pm. There were activities arranged for us to take part and for them to evaluate our performance.
I was left dumb-founded.
Luckily, the lady on the phone was very kind and considerate. She tried to help me to settle the interview arrangement issue and told me to go there as soon as possible. I grabbed my bro along to accompany me to the bus station in Pudu Raya and took a shuttle bus down the Seremban town. By the time i reached the company's guard house, it was already 11am. I was getting nervous, not knowing what should i be expecting next. Anyhow, i gave my best, instead of letting the opportunity fly off and go down the drain just like that.
I was led into the largest conference room in the company, called Matahari Room. I dont know who actually named these rooms, there is one called Tanjung Room too. These names are related to flowers, i guess that person likes flowers a lot. Haha..
There were about 10 candidates inside Matahari, all complete with their formal clothes, charming smile and stacks of certs on their hands. I was not introduced to the others at all, because i was then became an instant celebrity and was nicknamed "the latecomer". O_o
"oh, so u are the latecomer"
"yea..." *sigh*
"come and have a seat, ur interview is next"
"erm, thanks for the hospitality..." *hide face*
I was the last one to be interviewed, well, actually that was the first and the only thing i did since i stepped into the company. I missed the rest of the activities plus the production line tour. But i was given the same set of free goodies bag lar, a token of appreciation from them.
The interview was supposed to be serious at the beginning. It was a one-to-one thing, with the HR Manager then. Guess what! The first thing he asked me was the reason why i was late. I practically felt like stucking my face under the earth like the ostrich cos it was pretty embarrasing, u know. But everything went smooth after that, i guess the reason i gave was very concrete and convincing.. :P

My neck aint long enufff to do the same... *muahaha*
I was given the full permission and opportunity to express myself. We were pretty much like having a normal and casual conversation, which actually eased me a lot. When i got out from the interview room, i was so relieved, like moving a big rock from my chest. *phew*
I was really thankful that i have managed to secure the scholarship despite me being late for the whole interview session, which is actually not really my fault. It was the postman who should be blame... I have done my best to get there as fast as i could, only that i was taking a bus, and not a jet plane. So there is a limit of the speed that i could achieve..
Anyhow, I would like to dedicate my greatest gratitude and heartfelt thanks to the receptionist back then (she has already resigned when i started working there 3 years ago) for guiding me the way to the office, my bro who has spent his precious time to accompany me to Seremban and waited for me outside in the guardhouse in hunger while i was having the interview and lunch inside (u are the cool one), the then HR Manager, Mr. Kamaldin for giving me that opportunity to explain and present myself and also believing in me for the capability i claimed to have and last but not the least, my mom for supporting me all these while until the time i managed to get a scholarship for my studies (initially, she did not allow me to go for this interview cos it was too far and she was worried for my safety).
Without u guys, there will not be me sitting here today. And i wont be happily celebrating the end of my bond now. *hee*
By the way, today is April Fool's day. Be careful of your frens and colleagues who might play a prank on you!
Look out behind u!
There is a cockroach underneath your table!
Your clothes is dirty as a result of your impatience during lunch!
I was tricked once this morning..
And before i forget, today is also the 3rd death anniversary of the HK King of Pop, Leslie Cheung. A lot of people still miss him dearly. It is a lost to the entertainmet industry when he commited suicide without any notice. May you rest in peace!
All About Leslie Cheung
Name: Leslie Cheung
Sex: Male
Age: 46 (1956 - 2003)
Date Of Birth: 12th Sep. 1956
Blood Type: O
Hobbies: Sailing, Reading, Music, Movie, Always relax
"haha, just joking. i took their scholarship to support my uni fees, so im bonded to work for them for a period of 3 years"
"so long..."
It wasnt that long if you were a fresh grad and u could learn alot during your stay in the company. Trust me, i have survived it! And so can u.
Coming back to the scholarship thingy, it was really a surprise, although i really wanted that $$. My first attempt for scholarship from the Berjaya Group was unsuccessful. But due to my "sad" and "poor" situation, they overrided their policy and gave me some contributions which helped me through my expenses for the first year.
Then I came upon the scholarship offer advertisement while i was looking at the uni's notice board in between my classes, one fine and sunny day. It was a cutout from The Star paper, together with some other offers from the Government, companies, private foundation group and even the state's ministry.
I was so excited when i got to know that i was shortlisted for an interview in Seremban. But the confirmation letter was delivered late (a day before the interview date), so i did not have the time to inform them of my attendance. When i called them earlier that morning, thinking that i could arrange for a later time so that i could still rushed to the place, they told me that i need to be there from 8am till 2pm. There were activities arranged for us to take part and for them to evaluate our performance.
I was left dumb-founded.
Luckily, the lady on the phone was very kind and considerate. She tried to help me to settle the interview arrangement issue and told me to go there as soon as possible. I grabbed my bro along to accompany me to the bus station in Pudu Raya and took a shuttle bus down the Seremban town. By the time i reached the company's guard house, it was already 11am. I was getting nervous, not knowing what should i be expecting next. Anyhow, i gave my best, instead of letting the opportunity fly off and go down the drain just like that.
I was led into the largest conference room in the company, called Matahari Room. I dont know who actually named these rooms, there is one called Tanjung Room too. These names are related to flowers, i guess that person likes flowers a lot. Haha..
There were about 10 candidates inside Matahari, all complete with their formal clothes, charming smile and stacks of certs on their hands. I was not introduced to the others at all, because i was then became an instant celebrity and was nicknamed "the latecomer". O_o
"oh, so u are the latecomer"
"yea..." *sigh*
"come and have a seat, ur interview is next"
"erm, thanks for the hospitality..." *hide face*
I was the last one to be interviewed, well, actually that was the first and the only thing i did since i stepped into the company. I missed the rest of the activities plus the production line tour. But i was given the same set of free goodies bag lar, a token of appreciation from them.
The interview was supposed to be serious at the beginning. It was a one-to-one thing, with the HR Manager then. Guess what! The first thing he asked me was the reason why i was late. I practically felt like stucking my face under the earth like the ostrich cos it was pretty embarrasing, u know. But everything went smooth after that, i guess the reason i gave was very concrete and convincing.. :P

My neck aint long enufff to do the same... *muahaha*
I was given the full permission and opportunity to express myself. We were pretty much like having a normal and casual conversation, which actually eased me a lot. When i got out from the interview room, i was so relieved, like moving a big rock from my chest. *phew*
I was really thankful that i have managed to secure the scholarship despite me being late for the whole interview session, which is actually not really my fault. It was the postman who should be blame... I have done my best to get there as fast as i could, only that i was taking a bus, and not a jet plane. So there is a limit of the speed that i could achieve..
Anyhow, I would like to dedicate my greatest gratitude and heartfelt thanks to the receptionist back then (she has already resigned when i started working there 3 years ago) for guiding me the way to the office, my bro who has spent his precious time to accompany me to Seremban and waited for me outside in the guardhouse in hunger while i was having the interview and lunch inside (u are the cool one), the then HR Manager, Mr. Kamaldin for giving me that opportunity to explain and present myself and also believing in me for the capability i claimed to have and last but not the least, my mom for supporting me all these while until the time i managed to get a scholarship for my studies (initially, she did not allow me to go for this interview cos it was too far and she was worried for my safety).
Without u guys, there will not be me sitting here today. And i wont be happily celebrating the end of my bond now. *hee*
By the way, today is April Fool's day. Be careful of your frens and colleagues who might play a prank on you!
Look out behind u!
There is a cockroach underneath your table!
Your clothes is dirty as a result of your impatience during lunch!
I was tricked once this morning..
And before i forget, today is also the 3rd death anniversary of the HK King of Pop, Leslie Cheung. A lot of people still miss him dearly. It is a lost to the entertainmet industry when he commited suicide without any notice. May you rest in peace!

Name: Leslie Cheung
Sex: Male
Age: 46 (1956 - 2003)
Date Of Birth: 12th Sep. 1956
Blood Type: O
Hobbies: Sailing, Reading, Music, Movie, Always relax
congrats on your freedom ;)
ribena: arigatou!
Now you can finally seek better opportunity! Don't give face to YD. Btw, I don't think YD read your blogs right? x-D
louis: haha.. i dont think so gua. but mebbe other ONers are reading.. and they go and tell YD!
Congratulations on your FREEDOM!!
Now you are free to do whatever you like! :D
Talking about prank, haha! I kena someone kao kao today! heehee....
Wah! CONGRATS!!! The day has finally come..
1 mth 6 days more.... i'm counting....
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