Friday, May 20, 2005

Watch out.. be careful..

Today is a special day. 20-05-2005. Ain't that cool??!! 20052005, 20052005, 20052005, *im getting crazy & dizzy*

Lately, a lot of accidents happened. Even my cousin became the victim of a 3-cars-crash. Her car was banged from behind, which resulted a huge impact that made her knocked the rear of another car in front. Luckily it wasnt too bad, as she escaped unhurt. Just getting a few holes in the pocket... :p

Her car's left front totally damaged.

The rear portion is not any better..

Just now, me and colleagues went to Tengkat Tung Shin for a farewell cum birthday lunch @ Jiak Guan (hokkien for "eat" "regular"). The place is quite nice, old-coffee shop feel. The food was so-so though.

As we were about to go up to our office, we saw a badly wrecked Waja at the right rear in the parking lot. I managed to take a shot of it when the owner (a lady) wasnt looking.

The wrecked Waja we just discovered. Look at that!

Tomoro will be the start of another long weekend holiday. And the highway will be crowded again, as usual, families going back hometown and holidays up north or down south. KL will have less traffic for a couple of days (except for the city centre where all the shopping complexes are located lar). I'll still be working, when everyone else is enjoying... one more day... one more day... *pray hard*

There is no plan yet for the weekend. Where should i go? What should i do? *mind goes blank* Anyhow, I'm gonna watch Star Wars III, by hook or by crook! There is no way u can get out of my grasp, the dark side is coming... hehehe... *evil laugh*


Unknown Author said...

Eh, Jane, that's ur 'biu mui's' car ar? Yor.. kesian ar.. luckily nothing happend to her..

Jane said...

yeah, she said now she is scared of driving fast. u know, last time she was practically a racer!