Sunday, September 16, 2007

Birthdays for the September Babies

As we move towards the end of the year, it indirectly means there are more projects being planned to be completed, more people planning for vacations to clear their annual leaves, more actions being taken to make sure the company hits the revenue goal for the year (such as increasing capacity or cutting cost), more people getting married (apparently they cant wait to give ang pow during Chinese New Year - haha) and also of cos, more birthday celebrations - somehow, more people were born at the 2nd half of the year..

So yesterday, we had a celebration at TGIF, 1U for all the September babies - Kok Beng, Min Min, Siew Kim and Gim Wah. It was an honor to have Kim and Hong (guests from PHX) to be with us. Happy Birthday guys and girls!

Some of the food we ate.

We initially planned for a 15 person reservation and had the TGIF people set the table for us, but there were almost 30 of us turned up. Luckily they had ample of space to accommodate all of us in a long table (unlike Chilis, they splitted us to several small tables). Crazy and "indecent" acts were displayed every now and then, haha, we hope they didnt scare away the visitors. I am sure u dont see these in US that often, cos they might get into a lawsuit - u know how anything can be taken into the court in US...

Min Min.

Kok Beng.

Gim Wah.

Siew Kim.

It was a great celebration and i am sure we will do this again soon.


Simple American said...

I have to sue you for such a scandalous statement about America! Wakakakakaka!

Happy birthday to all those folks. Wow. 30 people at one table.

Also, I have awarded you with a Nice Award.

Jane said...

Haha.. ooppsss!!

thanks so much for the award. i felt so motivated now.. :)

myfivesen said...

Happi Belated Birthday y'all! :D

It's always great to be remembered and to hv good friends to celebrate with! Cheers for more to come. :)