Saturday, August 27, 2005

Another long day...

It is supposed to be another work-less and stress-free Saturday.

But no, watch my lips - NO!

I was told that a system which i am working on will be going live on 31st Aug. All the development team members are working hard to achieve the target go-live date.

And i thought i could get some rest after a long day, *sigh* the god worshipping thingy back home is going to last till tomorrow nite. And tonite is the kid's karaoke competition! Arggghhh!

I need the god's cake above... *slurps*


oceanric said... that mean you need to work on 31st August? To stand by in the office in case problem(s) will occure?...Touch wood =)

God's cake? Where to get it?

Jane said...

yeah, i worked from home till late evening, just to make sure everything is done successfully before going live.

i wish i knew where i can get it. if u have any idea, please get me one!! :)