Monday, April 28, 2008

A new toy in the house!

I just got a Wii! It is fun! Now i can imagine and understand how and why people can get addicted in this. I will be one of them soon...

It is bundled with a game, called Wii Sports with the option to play Tennis, Baseball, Golf, Bowling and Boxing in the comfort of one's living room. You can use the Wii Remote controller to mimic the actions of swinging a racket, bat or club, roll a ball down an alley or bring the left jab. And u can have up to 4 person playing at the same time. Looking for a tennis doubles game? *wink*

And not just that, it has a SD memory card slot which means you can enjoy slideshows of your favorite photos on TV. Drag an MP3 onto the card, and you can have a soundtrack as well! It also has a wireless capability where you can get updated info from the Internet, such as news, weather forecast, and so much more. Aint this cool?

We have also reserved a Wii Fit and i cant wait for it to come out on May 21st! It is a combination of fitness and fun - where you can do yoga, aerobics, hula hoop, jogging, etc, besides taking your weight and center of gravity and BMI (Body Mass Index).

Exercise and play at the comfort of your home!

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