Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Lucky number 5

Lady luck is shining on me today. Oh my god, i am so happy now! *dancing*

I was window-shopping with my colleagues just now in Bangsar after a quick lunch, seriously speaking, i didnt plan to get anything at all. That's what i meant by "window-shopping", right?

While they were trying out the dresses in the fitting room of Cats Whiskers, i was just fiddling with the clothes and dresses. Then a thought came to my mind, "There is absolutely NO harm trying one or two without buying it. I will have to wait for them anyways...".

See, i know that was the devil in me speaking to myself...

After a few catwalks in front of the girls, i bought a dress in the end (giving enuff reason for myself - it is for the UPCOMING wedding DINNERS).

But it wasnt a bad purchase after all. Not only the dress is nice, but i paid it using my MBF Lady's Credit Card and voila, my approval code ends with a digit "5"!

I got a RM50 rebate in my next statement! *yes*

Click the image to check out the promo.

Hmm, it's not really that bad to spend. More reasons for me to shop after this.. *keke*

These people really good at coming up with promotions to lure us to buy stuff. And as usual, they knew that we can't resist them. O_o

By the way, check out this iRobot Roomba® Vacuuming Robot. It is so cool! No more vacuuming yourself, all done with the help of this multi-tasking machine. I came across this product from someone. He is a proud owner of one now. How lucky he is..

So do u see urself living in the world of cyborg in the future? Just like the one we saw in the movie I, Robot starred by Will Smith? Yes, be prepared my dear.


eddY said...

wahlau... so lucky... it's like almost free for u... i got it once but it was beyond 5000ppl so didn't get it... malang betul me... i wan some luck!:D

Anonymous said...

Soon you will see the vision becomes reality - human with huge brained heads and tiny little hands and feet. Still, I prefer to do cleaning myself ;-)

Anonymous said...

Wah, you also shop at Cat Whiskers! You have good taste! MBf Card holder also huh? :D You are so lucky, my brother swipe like crazy also tak dapat dapat.

myfivesen said...

wah.. another CONGRATS in order! :D

can tumpang yr luck? and when can see u wear yr new dress? :)

Roomba, so expensive yet not too effective

Jane said...

eddy: they told u that it is over 5000 ppl when u called?

sa: when i get the chance to wear it? :P

louis: u wont say that when everyone owns one, and it becomes the most common thing in the world.

gina: well, first time really bought something there. normally i went to the one in hartamas and not bangsar.

andell: i heard it wasnt that noisy.. urs one ciplak punya is it..

my5sen: FYI, it picks up quite well.

eddY said...

they cant confirm at that time and asked me to check my next bill statement. not sure whether they really check or they just don't bother to do so since it's a sunday afternoon.

Jane said...

eddy: oic.. hopefully im still the first 5000 people.

旋律 said...

waa....lucky gal!!! then the dress would be ur lucky dress lo hor? :P

Jane said...

shirley: yup yup!