Wednesday, December 07, 2005


I am feeling weak now. My sore throat is getting better (or is it an illusion?) compared to the past few days. But why do I feel my body is heating up? And the flu virus is attacking me while my immune system's defend level is decreasing by time.

Oh no, i dont wanna fall sick again. I just recovered not too long ago.. Im currently drowning myself with lotsa water. Been going to the loo for n-times now. =_="

And fyi, there are already 2 gifts under the Christmas tree! Wow, those people are fast. I have yet to decide what to buy for my "recipient". Went to MV for lunch yesterday, but still didnt manage to get anything.

The entourage to MV (Jeff is the cameraman).

By the way, Subway is opening today at Wisma UOA, and they are offering promotions. Me and my colleagues will go there today and try it out.

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