Celebrity matches
Jang Nara, interesting to know. Wanna find out which celebrities u look like? Check this out here.
Jang Nara, interesting to know. Wanna find out which celebrities u look like? Check this out here.
Blab-ed by
2:21 AM
Locked ~ Interesting Facts
Hi Boss,
People who do lots of work...
make lots of mistakes
People who do less work...
make less mistakes
People who do no work...
make no mistakes
People who make no mistakes...
gets promoted
That's why I spend most of my time sending e-mails & playing games at work
I need a promotion.
OH HAHA. I wonder who would really dare to send this forwarded mail to their bosses. Another interesting humor.
Never in my life that i could imagine myself to actually see something so gross. Normally i would only see these in forwarded emails, no where else.
I was driving home just now, i was caught in a very bad traffic. Altho i am used to the bumper to bumper crawl jam in KL, but that is absolutely unusual for a Saturday evening (i dont recall any event taking place nearby, cos that would be normally the reason for the traffic). So first thing that came to my mind was, its either an accident or a spot check conducted by the cops. As i got closer to the "scene", i saw an ambulance. BINGO! An accident it was.
I dunno if it is the nature of Malaysian being "friendly" when it comes to accident, when something happened on the road, there will sure hell lotsa motorists stopping by the roadside (either to see whether they can do anything to help or just look -_____-" ). I hope that they realised this has caused a major traffic for cars behind them. Not only the accident has closed out one of the lanes, the passer by will make it it two. And u would have been shocker when u found out that the accident actually happened at the other side of the road.
Ok, side tracked a lil. Sorry. Where was i? Right, it was an accident at the fast lane. I saw a red Satria and a badly damaged bike. This doesnt look good. As i was at the fast lane myself, i needed to cut into the second lane and drove past the ambulance. When i was driving right next to the ambulance and the accident spot, i took a short glance. I saw a big pool of blood on the floor, oh my gosh.
A few people were trying to carry the victim into the ambulance, they were kinda stuck somewhere. And at that very moment, i saw something really really gross. His stomach was "cut opened" and the intestines were sticking out... (ok, now hold it, dont puke. Try to breathe in and out slowly). >_<
I turned my head back on the road and moved on. Dont wanna think anything more than that.
Tonite there will be no usual badminton session. The sport complex that we used to go is planning to have some renovations going on (i heard), so they are closing down for any activities for a couple of days. There was a notice on the board in the office, but i totally forgot about it. Neways, it is not a bad thing after all cos i was planning to go back earlier to watch the "So you think you can dance" show @8TV tonite.
I've only saw two episodes of it so far. One is the first ep, and the second time is the top 20 dancers introduction ep. Never seen them in action. Darn. My dance mates said they are really good, especially the couple who did Paso Doble last week. Argghh, i hate missing something good, especially dancing!
Well, im very full rite now. Had yet another farewell (for Ku) lunch at Pizzeria Bella Italia in SS2 just now. Food was not as good as expected tho. I wonder what happened.
Blab-ed by
5:49 PM
Locked ~ Farewells, Shake Ur Bon Bon
It has been a while since we had so much fun singing our hearts out! Although it was actually a farewell celebration for Ku who is leaving us, but we prefer to think of it positively. We are still gonna meet up in the future, so why chose to be sad? Rite?
Chee Siong, Juan Yean, Jane, Ku, Eric, Jeff, Pei Yee and Desmond (front row). Wei Leng and Calvin (back row).
Ku was still recovering from sickness, Jeff was still feeling sick and my cough still persists. I guess the weather made our bodies go crazy lately. It could be raining for days and all of a sudden turned superbly hot the next day. *gulp*
Some of the funny acts.
Looks like they are singing a love duet :P
Anyways, here i wanna wish Ku all the best in his future undertakings. Do come back and visit us some time. We'll go out for lunches together, k?
For all the mothers out there, this day is for you. And of cos i wanna dedicate this post especially for my dearest mother, I LOVE U VERY MUCH!
I know we havent been the best son and daughter around, but hope that u can bear with us. And please forgive me if i made u unhappy at times but u still love me anyways. *muaks*
U are the greatest mom!
Blab-ed by
8:21 AM
Locked ~ Celebrations, Family
Sorry, i know i am really late in putting this up, but i was badly sick when i wanted to post this. And now that i have moved to my new condo, there is no internet access anymore. T_T
Why?, u would have asked. I needed a good explanantion too, but according to the management, they are working on registering the property with TMPoint (our landline provider) and getting the cables installed. So for now, no phone lines available and my broadband is still connected in the old house.
Mom was actually contemplating to cut the landline. She is not using it as much since she got her own cellphone, and the only reason why we are still keeping it is because our "dear broadband" needed a landline to get connected. So now she is more than happy to get rid of it if there is any other option.
I wanted to try the Maxis broadband (wireless connection so no need to subscribe to landline) which uses the 3G technology, but there is no coverage in my area yet. Sigh, seems like i have no choice but to wait. Maybe i should check out what Jaring Wireless Broadband has to offer.
So here are some pics from Soo's birthday partay on April 28th. A bunch of us gave him a lunch treat @ Las Carretas. The ambience in the restaurant is really nice, alot of mexican hats and US plates number hang on the wall as deco. Then they have this fountain which is made of the wine bottles, seriously cool.
The newly opened Mexican restaurant at Jalan Semantan (next to the new Peninsular Hotel)
Can u find ur plate there? :)
The beautiful fountain which was transformed as our backdrop for most of our pics. Haha.
The birthday boy!
The celebration continued with a clubbing session at nite @Aloha.
Soo, Jane, Pei Yee and Siew Kuen.
Jane, Hoe Kheng, Pei Yee, Siew Kuen, Soo, Eddy and Juan Yean.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SOO! May all ur wishes come true!
And here i would like to post a note for Peky's birthday. I texted u but there was no reply, i hope u got it. But just to be on the safe side, i wanna wish u a very happy birthday! Miss u lots!
The secret of life is to make the best of whatever comes along,
Make every day fresh and new,
Go in search of knowledge and experience.
Let your questions and your answers reconcile.
Do your best to remember that the best kind of learning curve is an educated smile.
Share your magic with the people who share your memories.
Let your feelings run deep.
Be in touch with the people who live in your heart.
To really know what success means, earn it.
Don't rely on some elevator to get you there.
The higher the floor you want to reach,
the more important it is to take the stairs.
The easiest lessons to remember are the ones you learn the hard way!
Appreciate the little things that make each day unique and special.
Blab-ed by
7:01 PM
Locked ~ Interesting Facts
Things has not been the same since u left. But we picked ourselves up and have grown to become a better and tougher person. Mom has become more independent, tho she relies on us alot of times. Being a non-driver herself, i admit it is a bit hard for her to be on her own. And with the bad public transport services in Malaysia, what can she do?
I hope u could see how happy and good we are doing. It would have been great to have u here now. U will always be in our mind.
Misses u so much! Happy birthday.
It was only a small family gathering session but i am very happy that it was very successful. Most of my relatives came to my new place last Saturday to give our new home some warmth (that is why they call it a "house warming" session).
We barely completed moving all our stuffs, only the major and important furnitures are in place. I gotta admit, the place is still very empty, even now. But i guess that was good in a way, cos then i will have more spaces to accommodate all the people that came and less chances for the kids to knock into anything.
Since we were too busy to do everything on our own, we decided to get a caterer to cook all the food for the nite. I am not sure how they tasted like, cos i didnt eat any of them. I was sick and my throat wasnt feeling that well to consume all those fried stuff.
Sorry for being absent last week. It was a busy and tiring week - rough. Prolly due to the hectic furniture scouting and reno coordination + supervision, i fell sick for the whole week. It wasnt what i have planned, obviously.
I havent been sick for a very long time, the last i could remember was in year 2005. And that is my health pattern, i will get sick very very badly after being in a pink of health for a long time. Releasing all the toxic that has been accummulated in every single part of my body all these years, i guess.
It is always tough when i fell sick, cos i am allergic to a few types of medicines. I dont have any kind of allergies when i was small, but somehow at some point in my life, it all changed. I dont think it is because of the hormones, but i have no proven explanation for this. Just gotta bear with it, and live with it!
So i was laying on the sofa for 3 consecutive days. No energy to do anything, when i was supposed to help out in moving to my new condo. Luckily my bro is back, at least he can replace my position and do a lil of the work. Mom was complaining of cos, blaming me for not taking care of myself and let myself breakdown which contributed to her added burden/responsibilities.
Moving to a new place is never easy. From the day i bought the condo, i have been pretty much occupied with alot of extra work. Contacting the relevant authorities for the legal stuffs, securing a suitable house loan, frequent visits to the lawyer firm, never ending phone calls with the developers, weekends trips to the furniture malls, engaging the reliable renovation ppl, deciding on the things to do and buy, coordinating the delivery of the purchased stuffs and finally the real move itself.
I am exhausted, both mentally and physically. And not to mention that this has drilled a big hole in my pocket. Fortunately, i have the support of a few people that helped me went thru the hard times. I love u! *muaks*
Yes, i am now staying in the new place, but i still have some stuffs in the old house. We are gonna bring over the stuff slowly, so that we dont have to rush to do everything at the same time. I need to rest myself so that i wont fall sick again. It is no fun at all!
And work has started to pile up on my desk since i have been missing from office for a week. I deserve a vacation, badly! ^_^