The time of December
December is the last month of the year,
To mark the end of a great successful year,
Through thick and thin we stayed together,
Let's cherish these memories forever and ever.
To mark the end of a great successful year,
Through thick and thin we stayed together,
Let's cherish these memories forever and ever.
In a few more days, we will be stepping into the year of 2007. How time flies. It seemed like yesterday when i was still in uni, all those IT folks in the world (including my professor) was fretting about the Y2K bug that is going to attack us. 7 years has passed since then. What a journey.
Looking back, i think i have grown up a lot (well, not physically - i know u are gonna say this!). A lot of my friends said i am more mature than what i am supposed to be at my age, but i guess upbringing and experience (not so good one) do make a difference. It made me who i am now.
Being in a financially challenged family has helped me to realise to be thankful of what we have. My parents used to quarrel alot when it comes to $$, but i knew they love each other alot too. So when dad passed away due to stroke when i was just 16, the world came tumbling down for us. My mom became the sole breadwinner for the family and we struggled quite a bit to go on with our lives. Me and bro worked during holidays and weekends to support ourselves a little so mom didnt have to spend so much money on us.
Anyhow, we managed to pull it thru and the rest as they say is history. Enclosed are some pictures taken in London from a dear fren whom i havent seen for a long time. He has become a frequent traveller due to the nature of his job (SAP). I used to envy him alot for being able to experience the different cultures of another country, but he told me he is tired of travelling. It is cold in London, and he misses home so much (i can tell from our conversation in Yahoo Msgr). If u are back for CNY, call me.
I hope PHX is not so cold next month.

London clock tower.

By the riverbank.

The great ring - British Airway's London Eye.

St Mary Axe.

London bridge? I was told that it isnt..

Yes, we are ONers.
The London Eye looks so cool at night.
Very interesting analysis of yourself there. I'm sure your Dad is proud of what you have become. Surely he is watching your progress from heavan.
sa: i hope we made him proud too :)
wonderful pictures taken by your friend...
I wish that one day I can get to see them physically.
December is a good time for reflection i guess, also a time to make resolutions, corrections and seek forgiveness.
And look how well u hv turn up now? How 2006 has been yet another amazing yr for u. :)
I hope I can be yr good fren too..
ps, the Malaysian Eye (ferris wheel) is coming up next yr for almost 1 full yr. :)
yea.. read about the malaysian eye.. want to go and try it out one of the days when it's up and running.... :)
laymank: yea, he is a good photographer.
my5sen & hy: yeap. looking forward to it as well.
like ur poem... great way to describe it..
great know tt u got better and stronger and smarter throughout the years.
have a great trip to PHX! we'll be here waiting for all the nice pics! ;)
eddy: we took lotsa pics, dont ya worry...
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