Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Bad start for the day

This morning while i was driving to work, a stupid motorcyclist knocked my left side mirror and sped away before i could register what have actually happened... O_o

I was happily listening to the radio, while trying to overcome the sleepy mood in the usual traffic jam along Jln Ampang. And right at that moment, an idiot thought he could squeeze himself and his bike in between the stand-still cars. So, he went in full speed, acting like a stunt man! But he was damn wrong! *praaaaakkkkkk* By the time i saw the damage, everything was history. The culprit is no where to be seen, and i have to drive all the way to the office with a mislocated side mirror. Great!

Luckily the mirror still can be saved. Thanks to HK, i got the mirror back in its supposed location. Just some minor scratches here and there. *phew*

Dont ever let me see the culprit again!! *punch*

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