Good bye Shiau Chen!
Today is a very special day, the last day of work for my colleague, Shiau Chen. She will be leaving us to join another company, to embark a better career. Although i havent been knowing her for a long time, but i knew for sure that she is a very intelligent and smart lady. She is witty and mischievious most of the times and having her in the group is indeed the greatest things of all. We had uncountable laughs, sweet memories and precious moments. Thanks for everything. I wish u all the best in ur future endeavors!
This is what i got from her this morning which i found it quite useful, "Test ur Ingrish". Check it out and see how good is ur 'Ingrish' - ... Dont be too disappointed if the result is not too good. U alwiz have a fren here.. welcome to the club! :)
Went for dinner in 'wai sek kai' in Pudu @ nite. I havent been there since primary school. My dad used to bring us there to have sup kambing for supper *yummy, yummy* Eversince he passed away 8 years ago, we never stepped our feet on the street at nite anymore. I really miss him alot..
The seven of us then raided the Wow Wow Cafe @ Pandan Perdana. Seeing all these musical talented people performing on stage made me felt the urge to get myself equipped with some musical intrument skills. I have alwiz wanted to learn piano when i was small, but the cost is too much to bear for my family because i would need a piano @ home to practice and that is totally out of the budget at all. So, i have to be contented with the music club i joined in school, playing 'angklung' (in case u didnt know, it is a traditional malay musical instrument made out of wood), and clusternet. Now that i am working and earning my own paychecks, maybe i can get something planned.. ;P
“In the black, there is some white; In the wrong, there is some right; In the dark, there is some light; In the blind, there is some sight.”- Anatta -