My phone beeped at me at 7:11pm, a day earlier. A message popped up on my iPhone screen, "Happy Birthday. Wishes from the other part of the world. ;-)".
That was the first time i got a text message on my US number - apart from John. Although it came in a lil bit earlier (due to timezone difference), but obviously i dont mind at all. I am happy that my frens still remember me, even tho i am so far away now.
After that, more text messages and emails came in. The biggest suprise of all, Ji Ric gave me a call from M'sia. Thank you so much for the birthday wishes. I love u guys!!!
I told my friends that i will be celebrating birthdays for both Malaysia and PHX time in the future. More time for celebration, i guess. *muahaha*
And also the lunar calendar.. *greedy*
Anyways, I was working in the office as usual - i didnt take the day off on my birthday. And due to a meeting scheduled close to lunch time, i decided to stay in my cube and eat something small. As i was happily munching away, my phone rang and it was from the front entrance's security station.
"Jane, I have flowers for you. Can you please come and pick it up?"
When the security officer handed me the flowers, i was a lil shocked to see a big balloon with "Happy Birthday" tied around the vase. It is nice and all, but i just never expected it.
So i walked back to my cube, which is probably close to 100m away - with the balloon flying on top of my head. People walked past me, peeping and smiling at me.

The roses and balloon on my desk.
Everyone who happened to walk close to my cube dropped by and said "Happy Birthday". :)
Thanks for the great surprise, *you know who*.
I didnt have any fancy celebration, if you are wondering. We just had a small dinner @ WildFish Seafood Grille in Scottsdale and that was about it.

I didnt bring my camera, cos i didnt expect to go anywhere. So this pic wasnt that good - no flash on my phone.

Specially made birthday cake, thanks to WildFish.
Right after the dinner, i had to rush back home for a conference call. *sigh*