Saturday, November 17, 2007

Happy Birthday Sok Yee!

A year older but a year wiser, Happy Birthday Sok Sok!

Looking back at our friendship, we have been knowing each other for 13 years and it is still growing. That is definitely not a short period of time. How often will u get a group of friends that are willing to lend a helping hand when u needed them the most? How often will u get a bunch of friends that will stand by u no matter what happened? And how often will u get these caring friends that will remember your birthday every year?

I am very thankful that i have these frens, and i am even more thankful that one of them is u! Thank you my dear.

1 comment:

myfivesen said...

Wow! 13 yrs is a long time.. yep, must cherish friends and treasure the precious moments. Never wait till something is lost..

Erm, happi birthday! :D