Monday, November 05, 2007

Appreciate your life..

One minute, you could be talking to that person and the next minute, you might not be able to see them anymore. That is how fragile life is. I really dont understand why some people could actually commit suicide and end their life so easily, so irresponsible.

Not everyone has a second chance in life. No matter how unhappy and how frustrated u are, u should never throw away your life. Think of your loved ones, your family and frens, they care about u very much..

When my dad collapsed suddenly one night and died 10 years ago, i promised myself and my family that we should always appreciate our lives and be thankful of what we have. I was 16 then and losing him was a big blow to my mom. Despite feeling lost and heartbroken, she told me and my bro to accept the fact bravely. "No matter how tough is the path in front of us, we should never give up. We will walk through it together."

Things went fine and we moved on with our lives. But we suffered a second blow when my grandmother went into coma after a simple catharact operation five years ago. I felt helpless. She was a lil bit nervous when she was pushed into the operation theatre, and i assured her everything would be fine. I guess she knew she wouldnt.

She woke up from the coma and transferred out of ICU after a few months but she was not able to talk, move, or eat anymore. We sued the hospital for the their mistakes in the surgery but that could not undo what has been done. She died after 2 years, spending the whole time in bed. The lawsuit is still ongoing until now.

My uncle who was fighting for justice for my grandma was then diagnosed with cancer, doctor said he had only 6 months to live. That incident totally broken my wall of faith and hope. I felt like the world was tumbling down. He left behind his wife and 2 young kids (7 and 9 years old).

This morning, while i was still sleeping, i heard a loud conversation outside my room. My mom's voice sounded shaky and worried, so i rushed out of the room to check out what happened. My brother's jaw was out of alignment (prolly dislocated a little bit) while he was yawning. It may sound funny now but when it happened to your family or someone that u care about, it's not any close to being funny.

I was scared and worried at the same time, not knowing what should i do to help. He could not close his mouth at all because his jaw was out of place. He was putting his hand on his face, trying to support and fix the jaw, but i can see that he was in pain. The helpless feeling that i felt when my grandma fell into a coma hit me again. Tho being nervous herself, my mom tried to calm my brother. I almost cried when i was washing up and getting dressed to send him to the hospital.

As we were about to leave the house, my bro managed to get the jaw in the correct position, somehow. He was able to talk and close his mouth normally. I was so relieved, but we sent him to the hospital anyway, just to see if everything is really fine. And we spent 4 freaking hours, waiting in the emergency room.

The doctor said he couldnt do anything, now that the jaw is ok but he mentioned that it could happen again easily the next time after the incident. Therefore he should be careful and not to yawn too big. So guys, please control yourself and your mouth when u yawn. Apparently, this is quite common.

I am so glad that everything is ok. It was a very tiring day for me and i am mentally and physically exhausted. I need to rest now.


myfivesen said...

Oh dear, what a weird day..and old memories being replayed again. Never knew such a thing would happen (thank you), an old saying was not to open the mouth or else flies would fly in. Guess there's a good reason for that. (and, phew, lucky yr brother is ok, never mind the waiting time at the hospital..)

I know too you're the strong type who will never give up. Bless you and family. Take care. :)

ps. ensure adequate coverage and get a will written too.

Simple American said...

That is scarey. To see your bro like that. I never heard of such a thing. Gosh. Poor guy.

*hugs* Take care of yourself.

Jane said...

thanks guys!

eddY said...

glad ur bro is doin fine now. tk care and hv a wonderful life ahead and always stay healthy!:D

Peky said...

u know..i had that once too..also yawning!! it freaked me out million times..but i was lucky...i struggled a while and managed to get myself to calm and relax..and then the jaw just "click" and went back. i swear i didnt dare to move it again for almost an hour. no talking. just shut my big mouth for once!! :-S it's terrible.. i thought of the "lock jaw" thingy...

Glad ur bro got over it. It is really terrible :(

Jane said...

eddy: thanks for the concern.

peky: oh my gosh, when did that happen to u. it must have scare the shit out of u. eventho it happened to my bro, i was so scared already.

and u know what, u are not the first person telling me that it has happened to others. my fren also said he had it a lot of times dy. once u get the grip of how to fix it back.. the next time it happen, just fix back, like a routine.


ellewy said...

The feeling of loosing someone instantly is like... it hurts so bad that at times you wish that you have a memory loss and forget about everything. How many bad things can a person take at one time? I miss my daddy! but nomatter how bad it is I know that God will take care of it. Be strong and God blez!